Try Epsom salt to help roses, tomatoes and other plants grow

Some tried and true home remedies have worked for centuries.
In 1618, a farmer living in Epsom, England, noticed his cows would not drink water from one of his wells. He tasted the water and found it bitter. He also noticed that if he used the water to wash scratches on his skin, the scratches healed more quickly. He named the water Epsom salt after the town he lived in. For centuries, Epsom salt has been used to treat a broad range of minor human and animal ailments.
In spite of the name, Epsom salt has nothing to do with salt. Chemically, Epsom salt is hydrated magnesium sulfate. In the National Garden Club Schools, you learn that magnesium and sulfur are both necessary for healthy plant growth. Magnesium is critical for seed germination and for the production of chlorophyll and fruits, and sulfur is a key element in plant growth and is critical to production of vitamins, amino acids and enzymes.

Magnesium also helps strengthen cell walls and improves the plants' uptake of nitrogen and phosphorus , and sulfur - the compound that gives vegetables such as broccoli and onions their flavors - assists in chlorophyll production and makes nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium found in the soil more effective.
Studies across the nation indicate that magnesium and sulfur - the two major components of Epsom salt - may provide health benefits for your rose garden.
The American Rose Society studies, including those with Dow, found that "In general, regular use of Epsom salt produced higher growth rates, stronger stems, improved color and foliage. "
Kathleen White, owner of one of the gardens featured on the recent Redlands Horticultural and Improvement Society Garden Tour, said she uses Epsom salt on her beautiful roses.
Local rosarians Milt Gibbs, Joy Bednorz, Frank Strickland, Nancy Taylor and Gary Wagner all agree, and they have been recommending this environmentally safe supplement for years.
Linda Evans, noted organic vegetable gardener in Redlands, said, "I always incorporate Epsom salt when planting tomatoes and peppers. It really helps promote stronger plants and the vegetables grow larger. "
How do gardeners apply Epsom salt in their garden?
For roses:
They sprinkle about 1/2 cup of Epsom salt into the soil near the base of each rose bush in the spring and the fall. For foliar feeding they mix 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt into 1 gallon of water and apply to a rate of about one gallon per foot of rose height every two weeks. This could help prevent garden pests, and roses could grow bushier and produce more abundant, bright blooms.
For tomatoes:
Linda Evans incorporates Epsom salt into the soil as she plants each plant, and she supplements around the plant base during the growth period. This will help to boost tomato growth and production.
For peppers:
Linda Evans mixes 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt with 1 gallon of water and sprays it directly to the leaves of plants
General soil preparation:
You can work in 1 cup of Epsom salt per 100 square feet of garden area before planting.
Container gardens and houseplants:
Epsom salt is high solubility and foliar application is a fast way to get the nutrients to plant. You can mix 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt with a gallon of water and apply to container gardens (not cactus or succulents) and houseplants once a month to boost growth and encourage healthy foliage and blooming.
Epsom salt should be used only as a growth enhancer along with your regular fertilizer, as it does not contain the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium necessary for plant growth. It does not build up in the soil and does not cause harm to plants if overused.
Plants frequently will not show the effects of magnesium deficiency until it is severe. Magnesium deficiencies vary. Some common symptoms include yellowing of the leaves between the veins, leaf curling, stunted growth and lack of sweetness in fruit. Don't rely on Epsom salts to correct large soil magnesium deficiencies, it is considered only a soil supplement to boost plant growth, flowering and fruiting.
Epsom salt can be found in drug stores, feed stores and a few nurseries.
Want more beautiful roses, bumper crops of tomatoes and peppers or even greener lawns? Perhaps Epsom salt might be worth a try.
For information, call 909-793-1016 or 909-798-9384 or

Joyce Dean is a member of the Redlands Horticultural and Improvement Society.